Prominent Online Retail Business Eases Inventory Use with VLC

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Retailer could cut reorder processes by at least half, greatly improving efficiencies.

Owing to the growing quantum of transactional data, the scenario for inventory usage in mid to large-sized enterprises has become unmanageable. One of VLC’s clients, a regional retailer of food, clothing, toys and other products has hundreds of thousands of items and their variants and processes millions of retail transactions.

The Progress Curve:
The company has outgrown the reporting and business intelligence tools within Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018. The increased volume of transactions had made their inventory systems difficult to handle and conduct sound data analysis. To address this, VLC Business Solutions team built a data warehouse so that the retailer could access and analyze their data more quickly and effectively.

As a result, the retailer significantly improved ordering decisions and better used their inventory. In Phase II implementation, the retailer automated the purchasing process and created several easy-to-use Power BI reports and dashboards for ongoing optimization in the organization.

VLC’s Solution:
With VLC’s Advanced Analytics in Microsoft Azure AI and Power BI implementation, the company is today able to cut the product reordering process by at least 50%. Additionally, hierarchical analysis that was unavailable with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 has been made possible.

Furthermore, the daily processing of operational data, which was not possible due to time constraints in the previous solution, has become seamless and fostered improved decision-making around bulk arrangements.

Reach out to us today to gain a clear understanding of how we can help you manage your transactional data, optimize your inventory and streamline your decision making.