Category: E-Commerce

Top 5 Important Reasons for Restricted Party Screening with Smarter Shipping

Top 5 Reasons for the Significance of Restricted Party Screening for Smarter and Safer Shipping

Reading Time: 7 minutes Today, some industries handle extra complexity while shipping their commodities to their customers. In this blog post, VLC Solutions will help you understand the top five reasons behind the need for automated compliance solutions and screening in high-tech and industrial manufacturing companies. But before diving headfirst, let us know the

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Microsoft partners with Shopify to expand Dynamics 365 Business Central ecosystem

Microsoft collabs with Shopify to extend the landscape of Dynamics 365 Business Central

Reading Time: < 1 minute Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is coupling with Shopify to assist their customers in building a more enjoyable shopping experience. Shopify equips retailers with its on-the-fly e-commerce solution while Dynamics 365 Business Central extends an extensive suite of business enterprise management over the domains of investment, commerce, service, and operations

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Magento Connector

VLC Magento Connector: Streamlining Shopping Experiences

Reading Time: 5 minutes In today’s world of all-encompassing online transactions, the need to address customer experiences has gained immense significance for e-commerce dealers. The importance meted out to individual customer requirements and taking care of every whim and fancy adds up to the eventual memorable shopping experience, which is bound to bring back

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Smart Shipping

How Smart Shipping Software is becoming the New Fad in Shipping Businesses

Reading Time: 5 minutes Getting smarter has become the order of the day. From mobile phones to cities and applications to devices, everything is jostled within the ambit of smartness. And, it is for all the good reasons. Technological advancements have witnessed a steep rise as the world steps into a truly new realm

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E-Commerce Solutions with Business Central

VLC E-Commerce Solutions with Business Central

Reading Time: 4 minutes VLC teams up with Business Central to help businesses stimulate E-Commerce supply chain value savings and boost operational efficiency with actionable data insights. The current upsurges in the E-Commerce sector are generating fresh possibilities for businesses that promptly spin themselves to understand and engage their customers better while also adjusting

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