Strengthening Cybersecurity In Cloud-based Ecosystems

Reading Time: 5 minutes

With the current hybrid and remote working methods gaining momentum, managers focus on digitally altering their businesses to acclimate and contend with the new normal. However, in haste to adjust, they can ignore a fundamental and business-sensitive concern that is cybersecurity.

When working systems are rapidly evolving, and the pace of digital change is growing, it is now a logistical concern for many companies to sustain the different networks and devices used within the organization. With many networks and devices not adequately monitored, more and more cyber threat criminals are finding new ways to manipulate many businesses for their greed.

Organizations must therefore inspect their on-prem security agendas and guarantee security in the cloud space to reduce cyberattack risks. Organizations striving to execute a thriving security strategy in the age of the cloud should begin by evaluating the following three aspects:

Make Security a Big Priority:
Companies must prioritize security against the backdrop of the paralyzing effects of cybercrime. They should initiate this by ensuring maximum compliance with the mandatory government statutes for their industry. These regulations are established to uphold critical safety and should be used entirely in security programs so data is maintained securely across the organization. 

Avoid Making Assumptions:
A few business directors generally believe that by deploying the cloud, the security elements will instantly get fabricated into their business demands and guarantee a reasonable level of protection. However, this is not entirely true. Companies must ensure that they understand the required security systems within a cloud-based environment and that they need to upgrade with solutions offered by the best security software vendors.

This will call for further investments to bolster their cloud security stance. Therefore, collaborating with an acquainted partner can help companies evade common security blunders and provide the direction to think through the planning and execution of a solid cybersecurity plan.

Gauge the Efficacy of Your Cloud Security Stance:
Periodic checks can help organizations better their security stance. A constant tempo of reviews, such as vulnerability scans and penetration assessments, can offer an account of the existing gaps in a security plan and the needed efforts to resolve those areas tactically. There are multiple ways through which an organization can estimate its security strength.

VLC Solutions takes the first step by performing a gap or cybersecurity resilience inspection. After the vital lacunae and areas for progress are recognized, we perform a cloud security assessment to determine the controls that the organization takes in from a cloud standpoint. The conclusive step is to suggest points that stick out from the appraisal reports and depict vulnerable links in the security system.

In Summary:
Since cyberattacks keep rising yearly and as perpetrators of cybercrime continue to develop more refined techniques, it is not sufficient to just enforce some basic security regulations. Companies must also stay agile and elegant in their bearing on security. Today’s cyberattacks could be so much more different from future cyberattacks. The ideal way to stay prepared is by considering the implementation of up-to-date security protocols and redirecting as and when required. Furthermore, by utilizing a control, detection, and recovery procedure with multiple protection coatings, businesses can contain would-be attackers in their trails and keep their critical data secure from breaches.

At VLC, you can be assured gain access to a system of strong cyber resilience, with our state-of-the-art cybersecurity services that guarantee both profound assessments and dynamic ways to thwart cyber hazards. Write to us about your security needs today and one of our experts will get in quick touch with you to elaborate on how we are the best fit to address your unique cybersecurity needs.