The Very First Warehouse Management App for Business Central and Power Platform

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Staying resilient and relevant as a Manufacturing/Distribution business takes what seems very easy and enumerated-a robust product, dynamic quality control, an efficient supply chain, and an actively operating distribution mechanism. Well, why then do enterprises seldom make a holistic success? There’s always a discernible topple at some end or the other in the organizational landscape.

Sometimes, it is a technical or equipment-based gap, and in other instances, it could be the necessity of tweaking and playing around with the existing processes in place. When it comes to product quality and supply chain efficiency, warehouse management undeniably makes way to the topmost rung of the credential ladder.

With newer and advanced technologies setting up the stage every day, things can get bewildering to handle the product before shipping. A powerful warehouse management system that can effectively orient itself to changing business demands and technology developments plugs lacunae in your supply chains.

VLC Smart Warehouse Management: An End-to-end Warehouse solution collating with Business Central and Power Platform:

The significance of comprehensive CRM and ERP solutions is on a definitive rise in organizations over the world. With all-encompassing technical overtures like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Power Platform with unending abilities in terms of valuable operational analytics and insights, business intelligence, automation, power agents, etc., an empowering warehouse management system becomes a precursor to holding compelling supply chains.

Warehouse personnel spends a considerable amount of time going to the work station to enter or check information into the Warehouse system.

VLC Smart Warehouse Management App for Business Central is a full enabler of the Warehouse personnel as it lets them solely perform all the Warehouse Activities on the go. The need to go to the workstation is also duly eliminated, thereby boosting your business’s performance and competence.

Bundled up with VLC Barcode Management, it renders advanced level accuracy of warehouse activities since the manual user entries are eliminated. This allows the warehouse personal to freely scan the 1D, 2D Barcodes or QR Codes and fulfill each task from Receipts to Shipments.

Personal will be able to check the Item Inventory using voice commands, attach the images to documents, move items within the warehouse, perform physical inventory and more everything from the mobile computer and mobile printers.

What else is in store with VLC Warehouse Management?

Gain access to the following Apps that are automatically downloaded and installed with the VLC Smart Warehouse Management Application.

VLC Barcode Management: This App works standalone or with VLC Smart Warehouse Management as it’s used to create, manage barcodes, QR Codes for items, Item Cross References, Stock Keeping Units along with documents like Order Confirmation Etc. which in turn enhances efficiency by minimizing manual errors.

VLC Print Node Integration is a free App that is recommended for cloud printing.

Other New and Critical Features:

  • Voice-Enabled for Stock Information
  • Works on Android or Windows Mobile Computers
  • Perform REAL-TIME Warehouse Operations like Receipts, Put-Away, Replenishment Suggestion and Product Movements, Pick, Cycle Counts or Physical Inventory
  • Mistake Reduction and helps in Shipment Accuracy
  • Add Receipt copies, Images for Items, Receipts and Shipments from the Mobile Computers back to Business Central automatically
  • Easily customizable screens to meet unique requirements
  • Gain Insight with analytics and 3D Visualizations

AI Techniques and ML Models allow for rational management, optimization of your workflow and automate business processes.

What’s more? VLC Smart Warehouse Management application will support the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. This is a Smart Warehouse Management App that allows the entire Warehouse related operations enabled upon mobile devices promotes efficiency and productivity, eliminates manual user entry errors, and is the one thing among the many that Manufacturing/Distribution or E-Commerce retailer needs to stay afloat and powered.