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Endicia Shipping Account

Endicia Shipping Account comprises the Endicia shipping account information, postage, and account communication details. This information applies to the entire Smart Shipping and cannot be changed based on users.

The Endicia Shipping Account form can be accessed from
Smart Shipping Menu  -> Setup -> Endicia Shipping Account

The General Tab fields in the Endicia Shipping Account:

Short Description for the General Tab Fields in Endicia Shipping Account:

Account NoThis field is used to specify the Endicia Shipping Account Number.
DescriptionThis field is used to specify the Endicia Shipping Account Description.
TestThis field is used to specify whether the account number is a test account number or not.
Requester IDThis field is used to specify the Endicia Shipping Account Requester ID.
PassphraseThis field is used to specify the Endicia Shipping Account Passphrase.
PO Zip CodeThis field is used to specify the Endicia Shipping Account Postal Zip Code.
Insured Mail TypeThis field is used to specify the Endicia Shipping Account Insured Mail Type. Valid values are USPS online and Endicia.
Device IDThis field is used to specify the Endicia Shipping Account Device ID.
Account StatusThis field is used to specify the Endicia Shipping Account status. Valid Values are: A-Active; I-Inactive

       The Postage fields in the Endicia Shipping Account form:

Short Description for the Postage Tab Fields in UPS Shipping Account:

Automated Postage PurchaseIf the Automated Postage Purchase is set to true, then it checks the “Buy Postage When Below” field, and if “Postage Balance” is less than the “Buy Postage When Below”, then the system automatically buys the postage for the amount entered in “Buy Postage Amount” in the Pack Order form after closing the package.
Buy Postage When BelowThe system automatically buys the postage if the “Postage Balance” is below the value of this field
Buy Postage AmountThe Postage Amount to buy if the value is below ‘Buy Postage When Below’
Ascending BalanceThe Total Amount of Postage Printed for this account.
Postage BalanceTotal Current Postage Balance

The menu bar across the top of the Endicia Shipping Account window displays the following elements.

New: Adds the new Endicia Shipping Account Record.
Delete: Deletes the record from the Endicia Shipping Account List.
First: Returns the first record as listed in the Endicia Shipping Account.
Previous: Returns the previous record of the Endicia Shipping Account.
Next: Goes to the next record as listed in the Endicia Shipping Account.
Last: Returns the last record as listed in the Endicia Shipping Account.

Change Passphrase option is used to change the passphrase. For the first time after the account creation, the user has to change the passphrase to use print postage services. Users can also change the passphrase at any point in time for security reasons.

Using Change Passphrase, users can change the Passphrase value in the general tab field. After entering the New Passphrase value, he or she can select the ok option to confirm or the cancel option to skip.

Buy Postage option is used to call Endicia ‘Buy Postage’ service exclusively to buy the postage. If Postage Balance is below the Buy Postage When Below amount then the user can buy the postage through the Buy Postage option.

The amount to Purchase field is used to specify the postage amount to buy. After entering the amount, users can select the ok option to confirm or the cancel option to skip.

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