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  4. Return Package Shipping Process

Return Package Shipping Process

In this module, you will learn about:

Return Package Processing: – The Return Package process is used when you want to Return a Shipment from a customer which is posted. Then, you have to perform the return packages for the posted packages for forwarding shipments. If any shipment/order is not related to your forward shipments, Then you can create a label directly from the return package card by creating a Return Package Card.

To perform the return package process, follow the below steps: –

       Go to the Menu List in the history section, Click on Posted Packages, and then Posted Packages List will open. From that list, open a posted package, it will navigate to the Posted Package card, as shown in the below screenshot: –

Below are the details of the Menu Item in Posted package Card: -.

  1. Track Package: –This Menu is used to track a Posted Package
  2. Create Return Package:  This Menu is used to Create a return Package for a Posted Package, when you click on Create Return Package, it will navigate to the Return Package Card Page as shown in the below screenshot: –

The Return Package Card has below Menus Items: -.

  • Close Print Return Package: This option helps to close the return package after filling the required fields to create the return shipment. This will print a Return label to send to the customer for the return shipment. This option is mostly used at the time of Forwarding shipments to place Return labels in the forward shipment packages.
  • Close Email Return Package: This option helps to close the return package after filling the required fields to create the return shipment, by sending an email to the customer with Return package Label. This option will be useful to send the labels via email and process the return packages from the customer. In this option, the below two fields are mandatory in the Dimensions Tab of Return Package Card: –

    E-Mail Notification
    E-Mail Address Field Should have a Correct Email Address

3. Create and Close Print Return Package: – This option is used to create and close a Return Package directly without having to navigate to the return package card for a Posted Package and also prints a label for the return package.

4. Create and Close Print Email Package: – This option is used to Create and close the Return Package directly without having to navigate to the return package card for a Posted Package also an email label for the return package and notification through Email is sent.

5. View return Package: – This menu is used if already a return package is created for the Posted package.

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